About Us

An evidence-based model conceived of and led by Indigenous people to foster resilience, leadership, and innovation in families caring for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children by focusing on the period from pre-conception to a child’s second birthday. 

First 1000 Days Australia is a 100% Indigenous woman owned business. First 1000 Days Australia broadens the international nutrition focus on maternal and childhood nutrition to align with holistic concepts important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s wellbeing. Kerry’s article in the Medical Journal of Australia outlined the need to catalyse health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families during the first 1000 days. This paper signifies the start of the movement in Australia. 

After years of implementing F1000DA across the country and the world, Kerry has developed education programs for practitioners and families to understand the importance of this period of time. First 1000 Days Australia uses an ecological framework of social, cultural, place-based, and family-based interventions to provide comprehensive regional strategies that support families to be the best they can be. The movement recognises the importance of strengths-based approaches and identifying and responding to family aspirations. 

First 1000 Days Australia aims to achieve attitudes and behaviour change through community-led research, program design and implementation, and advocacy. In addition, we aim to influence broader policy and program development to reflect an increased understanding of culture as the protective factors for family wellbeing.

By focusing on the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, First 1000 Days Australia respectfully disrupts policies and programs where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are considered the problem, not the solution. These ideas are explored in a series of education and training courses, presentations, strategic initiatives, and implementation pathways.  

Every Australian child has the right to be the best they can be. Despite Australia's prosperity, early intervention and prevention programs for babies and their families are not always available or accessible to families of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. As a result, infants born to these families can be subject to poorer health, wealth, and well-being outcomes across their lifetime. This has far-reaching impacts on the individual, their family, at a community level, and within broader society. It’s time for this to change. Come and join us in our First 1000 Day Australia movement!